As you are aware, the Board has decided to issue uniform certificates to all the students appearing
in class X in March 2011 Examination irrespective of the fact whether they are assessed by the Board or by
the School in Summative Assessment‐II (SA‐II).
To ensure the reliability, validity and fairness of assessment, the Board is collecting marks/grades
assigned at school level through specially designed software.
Besides the collection of marks/grades, the Board is simultaneously doing a random collection and
verification of the ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ conducted at school level under Formative and
Summative assessments.
These ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ and the marks awarded will be verified by the subject
experts appointed and empanelled by the Board at the Regional level. The objective is to assess the
‘Practices of School Based Assessment’. The experts would submit their report on these ‘Evidence of
Assessments (EAs)’ vis‐a‐vis award of marks. Their report will help in verifying the school based
assessments as well as provide feedback to the Board about implementation of CCE scheme at grassroots
The schools which will be shortlisted by the Regional Office will be requested to send the
‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ for SA‐1, FA3 & FA4. This material (FA tasks and SA answer sheets) is
being collected initially in five subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Please
ensure that these ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ sent to the Board comprise of the performance of five
students taken from each of the three categories i.e. top, middle and bottom levels of achievements.
Thus, your school if selected, should be submitting fifteen Evidence of Assessments (EAs) (FA tasks and SA
answer sheets) for every assessment i.e. 15 for FA (FA3, FA4 taken together) and 15 for SA1. This is
applicable only to one subject which will be communicated to you by the Regional Office. (Refer to
Annexure I for selection of samples)
The school is required to send details about all the fifteen FA tasks in the subject as directed by
Regional Office which should include the break‐up of marks as well as the parameters for assessment. If
the nature of the Evidence of Assessments (EAs) is such that it cannot be posted or transported such as
oral testing, seminars, group discussion, model, chart etc. a brief write‐up as already prepared by the
teacher on the assignment may please be sent along with marks awarded. This should include the details
of the task assigned to students individually or in groups as well as the strategies adopted and the
parameters used for assessment. The schools should send only those tasks that have been taken into
account for arriving at the grades for FA3 and FA4. (Please refer to para 5 and 8 of Annexure II)
Question Paper used and its marking scheme in the subject should also be attached with SA
answer sheet irrespective of whether you have used the question paper sent by the Board or your own
question paper.
The Board would initiate similar exercise for the co‐scholastic areas shortly. You are requested to
keep the ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ for the Co‐scholastic areas also in safe custody.
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