Sunday, 3 July 2011

Strengthening Formative Assessment in affiliated schools under Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.

After the introduction of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in the
schools affiliated to CBSE, Formative Assessment has come to occupy the centre
stage in the classroom transaction of curriculum. Though not a new concept in
educational dynamics, formative assessment has, till now, been perceived more as a
complement of summative evaluation than as an integral part of pedagogy that aims to
enhance learning. It is also to be conceded that as frontal teaching ruled the classroom,
formative assessment tasks continued to be only cursorily attempted, if at all at that.
Consequently, most of the practices in this field have aimed at measuring the
achievement of students instead of facilitating a process of better and more complete
learning. Further, formative assessment, to fulfil its purpose, has to be carried out as
part of the teaching-learning process by using a wide range of tools and techniques.
Besides contributing to effective learning, variety in classroom practices makes the
process of learning more joyful and interesting.

             In a sense CCE can also be perceived as Child Centred Education because it
lays emphasis on catering to multiple intelligence and individual talent. Another
significant aspect of CCE in general and Formative Assessment in particular is that
the teacher and the learner have to make use of the data generated by various tools
and techniques that are employed in the classroom for improving the teaching-
learning process. The teacher’s Manual on Continuous and Comprehensive
Evaluation, brought out by the Board provides detailed information to teachers on the
salient features of CCE including formative assessment. The extensive training
workshops conducted by the Board have, the Board fervently hopes, created
awareness and conceptual clarity about CCE.

             As a follow up, the  Board is bringing out  a series of Teacher’s Manuals on
Formative Assessment in Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science
for class IX and X. The main objective of this endeavour is to place illustrative
examples of formative assessment tasks in the hands of teachers so that they are
encouraged, besides using the materials provided, to build their capacity for preparing
their own materials to add value to curriculum delivery. Practical guidelines for
integrating the formative assessment tasks and activities included in the manual will
help teachers in using them at the appropriate stages of curriculum delivery.

            The  Manuals have been prepared  keeping the curriculum  objectives  of  the
respective subjects in mind. Thus, being curriculum specific, the content has been so
organized that teachers will find it convenient to select activities and tasks according
to their and students’ needs. By using the manuals effectively, teachers would be able
to breathe life into their classrooms. Learner involvement, dynamic and lively
interaction and creative engagement would become integral features of the teaching-
learning process, helping the teacher and the learner move away from routine and
often dull text-book based activities.

            A variety of tasks and activities have been included in the manuals and in the
hands of an imaginative teacher, they will address the varied talents and needs of
learners, facilitating inclusive development. Problem solving, critical thinking,
creativity and other higher order skills have been harmoniously integrated with the
aim of not only enhancing thinking skills but also to make the activities and tasks
adequately challenging to learners. Teachers will do well to plan, prepare and conduct
the various activities for each of their lessons, without being satisfied with a
mechanical approach that characterizes curriculum transaction carried out in the
frontal teaching mode. If used in its true sprit, formative assessment as a part of
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation will, on the one hand introduce the much
needed child-centredress in the classroom and promote motivation among learners on
the other to utilise their innate abilities and skills for better, more comprehensive and
deeper learning.

             At the first phase the Board is bringing out the Manuals in English
Communicative, English Language and Literature, Hindi course A and B for class IX.
They are also available on the CBSE Website ( The manuals in the
book form will be available as priced documents in the stores of CBSE, 17, Rouse
Avenue New Delhi – 110002 as well as in the Regional Offices of the Board. Manuals
in other subjects for class IX and in all the major subjects for class X will shortly be
available. There is no gainsaying the fact that Formative Assessment is all set to
revolutionize the teaching-learning process in the schools of our country.

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