Sunday, 3 July 2011

Organisation of CBSE Science Exhibition 2010

Besides  creating scientific  literacy,  key  expectations  from  teaching-learning of  science  at
school stage include developing questioning and enquiring skills, acquiring process skills,
developing problem-solving and decision-making skills  and promoting scientific  temper
in  the  learners  and helping them  to  understand and appreciate    close  inter-relationship
between  Science,  Technology  and society.  This  demands  interactive,  participatory,
hands-on, innovative and creative learning experiences to be provided to them.

The  Board has  initiated many  steps  in  the  recent  past  to  provide  such  experiences.  One
such  step refers  to  organisation  of  Science  Exhibitions  at  Regional  and National  levels.
The event is aimed at providing a common platform to schools, teachers and students to
given  shape  to  their  creative  and innovative  ideas.  Based on  the  past  experience  of
enthusiastic  response  from  schools,  it  has  again  been  decided to  organize  the  Science
exhibitions  for  the  year  2010-2011.  These  exhibitions  are  likely  to  be  organized at
Regional  level  in  the  month  of  July/August  and at  National  level  in  the  month  of

The main theme and sub-themes for this year’s Science Exhibition are:

Main Theme: Science, Technology and Society


·    Climate change-Causes and Consequences
·    Green Energy
·    Biology in Human welfare
·    Information and Communication Technology
·    Mathematics and Everyday life
·    Science and Technology in Games and sports

The following key aspects of the exhibition may be kept in mind for participation:


Any     participating     school     can     prepare      a     maximum     of     two

(ii)        The  Participating school/team  will  have  to  bear  all  expenses  related to
participation in the exhibition.


(iii)       The exhibit/model may be either
(i)       a working model or
(ii)  An investigation-based project
(iv)       The  school  team  may  be  represented by  a  maximum  of  two students  per
exhibit and one escort Science Teacher.
(v)        The exhibit/project may include

·    A working model to explain a concept, principle or a process
·    An indigenous design of  a machine/device
·    An innovative/inexpensive design or technique.
·    Application of basic  principles of Science/technology
·    Scheme/design of a device or machine to reduce the production cost
·    Investigation-based study

(vi)       The  request  for  participation  alongwith  the  enclosed registration  form  and
fee is to be sent directly to the respective regional officer. 
(vii)      The  schools  in  Delhi  region  may  send it  to  Regional  OfficerCentral
Board    of  Secondary Education,         PS  1-2,  Institutional  Area,  I.P.
Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-110 092.
(viii)  Irrespective  of  the  number  of  exhibits,  every  participating school  will  pay a
participation fee of Rs.400/-. This payment should be made in the form of a
demand draft  in  favour  of  Regional  Officer,  CBSE  payable  at  respective
regional office city.
(ix)       The last date for registration for participation in the event is June 15, 2010.
(x)        The  first  stage  of  exhibition  will  be  held at  two  different  venues  in  every
region.  However,  if  the  number  of  participating schools  from  a  particular
region is very large, the number of venues may be increased to three.
(xi)       The selected best fifteen exhibits/ schools at every regional level venue will
be eligible to participate in the National level exhibition.
(xii)      The  exhibits/projects  will  be  evaluated  by  the  experts  as  per  the  following

·    Creativity and imagination
·    Originality and innovativeness
·    Scientific thought/principle/approach
·    Technical skill/workmanship
·    Utility/educational value  
·    Economic aspect, portability, durability  
·    Presentation-Explanation and demonstration


(xiii)  The  actual  dates  for  the  regional  level  exhibition  will  be  communicated to
every  school       individually  as  well  as  through  CBSE  website by  July 10, 2010.
(xiv)  A  brief  write-up  about  the  main  theme  and sub-theme  is  enclosed for
reference.  The  participating schools  may  prepare  the  exhibits/projects  on
any one of the sub-themes satisfying one or more of the stated parameters.


(xv)      Greater emphasis may be given to investigation based innovative projects
to kindle curiosity, originality and creativity in the students.
(xvi)  Attractive  awards/cash  prizes  are  given  to  exhibits/students who are among
the best twenty models at the national level.

The above information may be brought to the notice of all concerned, particularly the
science  faculty  in  the  school  and the  students.  The  request  for  participation
alongwith enclosed registration form, registration fee and other details may be sent to
respective   Regional  Officers  before  due  date.  For  any  other  information  in  this
regard, you may contact at  or .

You may  also  send any  specific  suggestions  or  observations  in  this  regard to  the
undersigned at the above e-mail address. 

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