Sunday, 3 July 2011

Training Programme on ‘Strategic Management & Leadership for Principals of CBSE affiliated schools at MDI Gurgaon

As you may be aware, CBSE has been conducting training programmes for principals in ‘Strategic
Management & Leadership’ in collaboration with the Indian Institutes of Management and NUEPA, New
Delhi. The overwhelming response from the Principals of affiliated schools has made the  Board explore
other avenues for providing training to Heads of Institutions since the intake for these courses is hugely
Hence,  the  CBSE  approached  Management  Development  Institute,  Gurgaon  for  strategic
collaboration to provide empowerment to Principals of Senior Secondary Schools affiliated to CBSE.  The
Board  is  pleased  to  state  that  the  Management  Development  Institute,  Gurgaon  has  confirmed  four
programmes on its campus with the following objectives:-
      Contextualising the initiatives and flagship programmes of CBSE such as Comprehensive Schools
Health Programmes, Life Skills Programmes, Adolescent Education Programmes and Introduction
of CCE as well as other alternative modes of assessment in the programme
      Introducing  and  managing  change  within  the  school  system  in  the  context  of  school  reforms
initiated by CBSE such as replacing marks with grades, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation
(CCE)  different  mode  of  assessment  -  formative  & summative assessment,  incorporating
multiple intelligence conceptual framework for assessment and innovative ways of transaction 
      Developing systemic strategies and processes for managing key functional areas in schools, such
as  financial  management  and  resource  mobilization,  management  of  human  resources  and
interpersonal relations and resolution of conflicts
      Identifying  and  implementing  suitable  systems  of  appraisal  and  evaluation  of  feedback  for
teachers and staff
      Place  of  value  systems  and  culture  in  the  present  educational  system:  identifying  options  and
evolving choices
     Achieving personal growth (intellectual, emotional and social) and organisational development
     Role of technology in management of schools
The fee for the six day training programme will be Rs. 25,000/- per participant which will include
the training fee, boarding and lodging of the participants at the venue and reading materials. This is a fully
residential and intensive course and therefore requires commitment to learn.  The participants will be
expected to stay on campus and participate in pre-dinner sessions also.
The schedule of these training programmes is as follows:
1.   Program-2 (P-2): October 25-28, 2010
2.   Program-4 (P-4):  January 17-20, 2011
Preference  will  be  given  to  those  who  have  never  attended  any  IIM  programme  earlier;  are
active partners of various initiatives of the Board (hosting workshops, seminars etc.); are members of a
Sahodaya cluster; and contribute regularly to the CENBOSEC, the quarterly journal of CBSE.
Principals  who  are  interested  in  participating  in  this  training  programme  are  requested  to
complete the enclosed Registration Form and send it to the following address:- 
Dr. Sadhana Parashar,
Head (Innovation & Research), 
Central Board of Secondary Education,
 ‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, 
Institutional Area, Delhi– 110 002
The Registration Form can also be emailed to: 

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