Sunday, 3 July 2011

Conduct of Class-IX March 2010 Examination under Summative Assessment-II

You  are  aware  that  the  Central  Board  of  Secondary  Education  has  introduced 
Examination  Reforms  and  Continuous  &  Comprehensive  Evaluation  in  its  affiliated 
schools from this academic year.  The detailed scheme has already been intimated to all 
Heads of schools vide our Circular Nos. 39,40,42,50,51,52,54,61,62 and 63 (2009).

2. The scheme is in operation in all CBSE affiliated schools in Class IX w.e.f. Oct. 
2009 i.e. the second term.  Under this two Formative Assessments and one Summative 
Assessment  is  to  be  done.    The  schools  have  done  /  are  already  doing  Formative 
Assessments during the second term, and Summative Assessment for this term is to be 
conducted now. 

3.  Under  this  end  term  Summative  Assessment-II,  the  students  will  be  tested 
internally based on the following criteria:- 

a)  Syllabus and Examination Question Paper Design in different subjects for Class 
IX Summative Assessment II will be the same as circulated by the Board earlier. 
The same is also available on CBSE website under CCE corner. 

b)  The Summative assessment will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by 
the schools themselves.   

c)  In order to ensure standardization and to ensure uniformity, the Question Paper 
Banks  in  different  subjects  are  being  sent  by  the  Board  to  schools  in  February 

d)  In  order  to  cater  to  the  difference  in  the  pace  at  which  students  respond  to 
questions,  schools  will  give  flexible  timing  to  students  for  attempting  the 
question papers. This may vary from 3 to 3½ hours. 

e)  Evaluation of answer scripts will be done by the school teachers themselves on 
the basis of the Marking Scheme provided by the Board. 

f)  There  will  be  random  verification  of  the  assessment  procedures  carried  out  by 
schools by the Board officials/nominees appointed by the Board. 

It has been decided to provide question paper banks for English Communicative, 
English Language & Literature, Hindi-A, Hindi-B, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, 
Communicative  Sanskrit.  In  respect  of  other  subjects/languages,  the  schools  will 
administer  their  own  question  paper  based  on  the  sample  question  paper  available  on 
the CBSE’s website, and intimated earlier. 

In view of the above, the Board will be sending eight CDs.  Each CD will contain 
a number of question papers and one of the question papers is allotted to your school.  
For this  purpose,  the  Board  would  supply  a  password  either through  SMS  or  E-mail  or 
telephonically.  We plan to dispatch the CDs containing question papers to all schools so 
as to reach by 20th February  and immediately afterwards the password would be made 
available  to  the  school.  Every  school  may  design  its  own  date  sheet  for  Class-IX 
examination accordingly.  Detailed modalities for operation of CDs are annexed.

5. The schools would take out the print of the allotted question paper after receiving 
the password in each subject.  Thereafter, the required number of prints/copies, may be 
made  at  the  school  level.  These  question  papers  must  be  kept  carefully.  The  schools 
should conduct the examination in all subjects for Class IX using these question papers 
between last week of February to last week of March 2010.

6. The  marking  scheme  is  being  sent  to  every  school  separately  and  will 
reach the schools well in time. 

7. The answer books should be evaluated by the teachers of your school as per the 
marking scheme containing value points for each question in every question paper.


9. It may be noted again that the question papers for Class-IX have been designed 
by  the  Board  and  are  being  sent  to  schools  with  the  purpose  of  maintaining  uniformity 
and  standardization.  Depending  upon  the  feedback  and  suggestions  from  the 
stakeholders, the Board will have a re-look at this policy in future, if need be.

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