Monday, 4 July 2011

New Year Greetings 2011

It’s the time of the year again when we look into what we have achieved and what we have
to still reach for. The year 2010 marked many milestones for the CBSE as well as for the schools
affiliated with it. The School Based Assessment and CCE scheme in its strengthened form was
implemented and the Mentoring scheme of CCE launched throughout the country. The year also
saw launch of CBSE-i or CBSE International as a pilot project in approximately 30 schools in 9
countries. Moreover, the Board launched many new leadership development programmes in
collaboration with reputed business schools across the country and abroad. 

We have received huge support in all our endeavours from schools, whether it was the
Educational campaign to preserve and protect the heritage monuments in the country or ‘Clean
Delhi Day’ Drive or ‘Commonwealth in Education Programme’. The schools have done us proud.

There is, however, much work to be done at various levels and I urge all the Heads of
institutions, their management, teachers, students and parents involved with reforms to get together
with renewed commitment so that we are able to achieve the best for the learners and young people
in schools affiliated to the Board. 

The following are some of the areas that we need to consider for continued momentum in
the implementation of initiatives started by the CBSE. 

1. Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

The Revised Teacher’s Manual for Classes IX – X will be uploaded on the CBSE website
soon as it will be applicable to the Class IX of the ensuing session (2011-12). The Class X for this
session will follow the old Teachers’ Manual. The Teachers’ Manual for Classes VI-VIII has already
been uploaded and is also available in the printed form from the CBSE Stores which has now been
relocated at Regional Office, Delhi, PS 1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension, Patparganj,  Delhi

CBSE has  through its various advisories reiterated time and again that schools should not
micro manage and assess students behaviour or conduct too  many tests. The  Board has clearly
brought out what is not CCE, what is CCE and what schools should do to implement CCE in the
right spirit. 

The Board will continue its empowerment of teachers. In order to achieve this, it proposes to
broad base its training of teachers and plans to empanel agencies for training in the online and
interactive mode. The processes have been finalized and the list of agencies approved will be
communicated shortly. It is mandatory for all schools to train their teachers. 

2. Use of CCE Logo, Slogan and CCE Song

In order to communicate the spirit behind CCE effectively to all stakeholders, the logo,
slogan and song on CCE adopted by the Board should be used by all schools in their documents
and correspondence with other stakeholders such as parents and the community. These are
downloadable from the CCE Corner on the CBSE website.

3. Mentoring and Monitoring

The Mentoring Scheme has already begun in most parts of the country. The Mentors are
requested to submit their reports in the online Mode only. Let us do our bit to save on paper

4.   Support Material 

One of the major feedback from teachers was the need to develop activities for  assessment
for learning in the classroom and therefore the Board has brought out Teacher’s Manual on
Formative Assessment in all the major subjects. These have been uploaded on the CBSE website
under the CCE corner and are also available from the Stores.

5.    New Languages and new subjects

The Board plans to introduce in addition to Bodo and Tanghkul,             Mandarin Chinese. For
introduction of Mandarin Chinese in Class VI, schools need to send in details regarding their
willingness in a notification already placed on CBSE website. The Board proposes to support the
initial introduction of the language by providing experts and textual material

6.     Revision of Class X English Communicative textbooks

The Class X textbooks have been revised on the basis of feedback received from schools.
The revised text books aim at integration of Skills in all student books as well as introduction of
revised test item types as per CCE scheme. The revised books of Class X will be available from the
Stores and  Regional Offices shortly.

7.    Health and Wellness Clubs

For promotion of holistic development, the Board advised schools to set up           Health and
Wellness Clubs in 2005 and four Health Manuals were prepared.  The Revised Health Manuals in

four volumes which are priced documents have been launched during the 17th Sahodaya 
Conference and are available at the Store and from the Regional Offices.

It is in this context that the schools should set aside at least two periods in a fortnight for
participation of students in Health and Wellness Clubs, Eco Clubs, Science Clubs, Dramatics Clubs

8.  Launch of Life Skills Manuals for Classes IX and X

 Life Skills are essential for living and learning in the 21st century. The Teacher’s Manual for
Classes IX and X is available from the Stores and Regional Offices. The Board through its
empanelled agencies will be conducting training programmes for Life Skills.

9.   17th National Annual Sahodaya Conference

The   17th Annual National Sahodaya Conference was held at Bangalore and its
recommendations and resolutions have been uploaded on the website.

One of the recommendations of the Conference  was to update and link Sahodaya website.
‘CCE is a great social equalizer. Sahodaya in a mission mode can manage this change and its
implementation. As a first step, the Bangalore Sahodaya Schools Association has volunteered to
link all websites of the current Sahodaya School Complexes to its own website which is hyperlinked
in the CBSE website. All the Sahodayas will continue to update their own websites. Teachers of
different schools can upload their best tasks and worksheets, rubrics for assessment through their
own Sahodayas on their own website. These will become accessible to all the teachers of schools
affiliated to CBSE’.

10.   Inclusion of Child Rights Issues

Further to the CBSE’s Circular Nos. 16, 18 and 24 in 2009, the Board would like to once
again request schools to remember that schools are ideological institutions and not factories. These
must treat children as sensitive individuals who need to be protected at any cost. The schools need
to be aware of the  sensitive and impressionable nature of minds of school children and must
ensure that all students, irrespective of their differences in physical, social, economic status or by
their being differently abled are dealt with in a dignified manner. Adolescents are vulnerable to many
influences and must be empowered to take informed decisions. No school under the guise of   
enforcing   discipline   should mistreat  any  student or parent thereof. This must be strictly observed
and enforced notwithstanding any external pressure whatsoever.

11.  Introduction of New Subjects

In addition to Mass Media Studies, Media Production, Geospatial Practices, Hospitality and
Tourism,  the Board also proposes to bring out more subjects to provide more  options for students
at Senior Secondary level.

12.  Teacher Training in Urdu

Teacher training has continued for most subject areas as also for Physical Education
teachers. For the first time the Board is planning to conduct teacher training for teachers teaching
Urdu in Classes IX and X.

13. Development of website by each school
The Board has already intimated Vide Cir 3/10 dated Oct 18, 2010 that all schools have to
develop their own websites. This will help the larger community to know more about schools in their
14. ‘Interact with Chairman’ feature
This year a huge amount of feedback has already been received from various stakeholders:
Students, teachers, Parents and educators through the ‘Interact with Chairman’ facility available
on the CBSE website. As a result FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section has been put up on
the website in the CCE corner. All teachers and students are encouraged to go through this section
as this is an evolving document.

15.     Interaction with Parents

The Board has received feedback that many schools restrict their meeting with parents to
one or two parent-teacher’s meetings or open houses in a year. In the wake of reforms brought in by
the Board it is imperative that complete transparency is maintained and open communication
channels are followed with the parent’s body by the school. The Board has also initiated interaction
with parents in a workshop mode in various cities where other programmes are being held. It is
honestly hoped that the schools will initiate many more workshops with their own parent

16.     Cenbosec as Monographs

  As you are aware, the Board brings out the quarterly journal or Cenbosec which is often built around
a theme. Schools are requested to contribute  by way of sending  in articles, news from their own
school, events that may have involved the community or other instances of best practice. The
journal provides a unique platform for schools both within  the country and aboard to share with
each other. It has also been resolved that the Cenbosec will be brought out in the form of
monographs which makes it even more imperative  for schools and their teachers to contribute good
articles on the issues of current importance in the area of school education.

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