It has been observed recently that there is a growing tendency among some
of the Institutions to gain profit by imparting education.
The Management of the school has a critical and key role to play in providing
a good and healthy climate to the school to fulfill its aim and objects, to enable the
staff provide quality education and to be a centre for educational excellence. As
envisaged in the Affiliation Bye-Laws of CBSE the Management of an affiliated
school should ensure fulfillment of all the norms of the Board and to run the school as
a community service and not as a business and that commercialization does not take
place in the school in any shape whatsoever.
The Society and Head of the Institution should ensure proper functioning of
the School Managing Committee and see that the funds accruing from the school are
spent for the benefit of the school and for its expansion alone.
The fee charged from the students should be commensurate with the facilities
provided by the institution and the following norms prescribed in the Affiliation Bye-
Laws of the CBSE strictly be adhered to.
Fees should normally be charged under the heads prescribed by the
Department of Education of the State/U.T. for schools of different
categories. No capitation fee or voluntary donations for gaining
admission in the school or for any other purpose should be charged or
collected in the name of the school.
In case a student leaves the school for such compulsion as transfer of
parents or for health reason or in case of death of the student before
completion of the session, prorata return of quarterly/term/annual fees
should be made.
i i. The unaided school should consult parents through parents
representatives before revising the fees. The fee should not be revised
during the mid session.
iv. The Society or Trust running the school should invariably consult the
School Managing Committee for review of fees or other annual charges.
All the receipts and payments made by the school should be properly
accounted and the annual audited accounts should be regularly filed
with the Board every year.
vi. The premises of the school should not be used for any commercial
activity and no commercial shops for sale of books, uniforms etc. be
operated within the school campus.
Though, there is a need for the School Management to generate sufficient
financial resources to guarantee the continued existence of the institution to
meet the running expenses of the school to maintain it at a reasonable
standard of efficiency, to pay salaries to teachers and other categories of staff
regularly at least at par with the corresponding categories in the State
Government Schools and to undertake improvement/development of school
facilities etc. but the School Management should not make profit out of it. In
case of institutions which are in the receipt of grant‐in‐aid from the State
Government/U.T. the permanent source of income shal include the amount of
grant‐in‐aid and such institutions while preparing annual budget should also
take into account the same.
Any violation of above provisions will be viewed seriously and can lead to
disaffiliation of the school by the Board. Therefore, all concerned are
requested to strictly adhere with the norms of the CBSE in running
educational institutions affiliated with the Board.
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