You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education introduced examination reforms
and the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in its affiliated schools from
October, 2009 in Class IX. The related information and details were made available to schools
through Circular No.39 dated. 20th September.2009, Circular No.40 dated 29th September,
2009 and Circular No.42 dated 12th October, 2009 as well as a number of other circulars issued
The School-based Assessment card includes reporting of students’ performance in scholastic as
well as given co-scholastic areas in terms of grades. In order to provide sufficient scope and
space for different abilities of different students, number of significant co-scholastic areas has
been included in the assessment scheme. It is hoped that the schools have provided essential
facilities as well as necessary learning experiences to help the students acquire these skills,
attitudes, values and abilities before assessment.
As far as overall assessment of a student for the purpose of promotion to next class is
concerned, the following points should be kept in mind and adhered to:
I. General
(A) The assessment of students in terms of grades in scholastic as well as co-scholastic
areas is to be done as per the directions issued by the Board through different
circulars issued from time to time.
(B) The year-end subject wise grades of a student in Class IX are to
be calculated on the basis of performance in all formative assessments and
summative Assessments in scholastic areas as well as grades obtained in co-scholastic
(C) In scholastic areas, all the five main subjects i.e. two languages, Mathematics,
Science and Social Science are to be considered at par for promotion purpose.
II. Assigning weightage to Co-scholastic areas for Promotion purpose
(D) The grades in co-scholastic areas may be included in awarding overall grade to
every student as per the following procedure:
(i) The grades obtained in different co-scholastic areas may be converted into grade
points by using the following conversion scale:
Life Skills
A+ ---------------5
A ---------------4
B+ ---------------3
B ---------------2
C ----------------1
All other Co- scholastic Areas
A --------------2
B --------------1
(ii) Total grade points earned by any student may be calculated by adding grade points
for all co-scholastic areas as per the above conversion scale.
(iii) A student who gets A+ in all the categories of co-scholastic areas included in the
report card will earn 42 grade points according to the above scale. {Life skill (15),
attitudes and values (15), co-curricular activities (6) and Health and physical
education (6)}.
(iv) Those students who get total grade points in the range 34-42, may benefit by getting
upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas.
(v) Those students who get total grade points in the range 19-33, may benefit by getting
upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic areas.
(vi) If a student gets less than 19 total grade points in co-scholastic areas, separate
remark may be made in the report card stating that participation and achievement in
co-scholastic areas needs improvement. However, this should not affect the student’s
promotion to higher class.
(vii) A star may be put on every up-scaled grade to indicate that the final grade has been
arrived after including the achievement of the student in co-scholastic areas.
A footnote in this regard may be given at appropriate place in the report card.
(viii) The benefit of upscaling the grade in different subjects may start from the subject in
which a student obtains lowest grade followed by next higher grade and so on.
(ix) Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes
in competitions held at state level and/or participation in competitions
held at national/international level organized by a body recognized by the
state/central Government /CBSE. Any competition organized by such
agencies related to the co-Scholastic areas included in the Board’s CCE Card may
be considered for giving this benefit. Those students who qualify under this
provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two
subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid
grade point scheme.
III. Promotion to Higher Class
(E) Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D or above in all the subjects
excluding 6th additional subject as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion to
next class.
(F) A student getting E1 or E2 grade in scholastic areas in one or more subjects will
have to improve his/her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying
Grade D in these subjects.
(G) If a student fails to obtain qualifying grade D in one or more subjects, even after
adding grade points from co-scholastic areas and after availing one improvement
chance, he/she will be required to repeat the same class during next academic year.
(H) It is mandatory to appear in both Summative Assessments during the academic year.
IV. Improvement Chance
(I) After summative assessment II in class IX, a student will get only one more chance for
improvement to obtain a qualifying grade D. This is also applicable to those students
who are not able to appear in summative assessment due to sickness.
(J) This chance may be provided preferably within a time of one month from the time of
declaration of final result. Some flexibility in time schedule for conduct of
improvement examination may be kept in mind for convenience of all.
(K) Syllabus for improvement examination should be same as that of SA II. The school will
prepare its own question paper for improvement examination based on design of SA II.
Due care may be taken to ensure that the standard of this question paper is comparable
to question paper used for SA II.
All Heads of schools are advised to explain the above promotion policy for Class IX in
detail to the parents, teachers and students to create desired awareness and avoid
unnecessary inconvenience at later stage.
Separate promotion policy for Class-X will be notified by the Board shortly.
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