Monday, 4 July 2011

Promoting Reading Habit among Students

CBSE  issued  circular  no.  54,  dated  21st  October,  2009  highlighting  the
need  for  promoting  reading  habit  among  children.    With  the  introduction  of
Continuous  and  Comprehensive  Evaluation  right  from  the  primary  classes,  the
importance of fostering interest for reading books among children of all ages has
increased.  It is essential that schools impress upon children that reading good
books  apart  from  the  prescribed  text  books  not  only  widens  their  horizon  but
also uplifts their spirit by instilling in them higher values.  Keeping this in mind,
the Board has already sent as an annexure to the circular mentioned above a list
of recommended books in English for different age groups.  

The Board had also requested the Association of Writers and Illustrators
for  Children  to  prepare  a  list  of  Indian  Authors  and  their  books  as  suggested
Reading  Material  for  Classes  5‐12.      The  list  received  from  the  Association  is
annexed to this circular.  

The  list  is  a  representative  selection  of  the  work  of  different  Indian
authors and has been made keeping in mind the interests of children as well as
educationists.    It  includes  genres  such  as  science  fiction,  historical  fiction,
mystery, adventure, real life stories, environment, sports, plays etc.  The Board is
confident  that  the  recommended  books  will  provide  good  values  to  children
through entertaining and interesting reading material they can identify with.

The Circular No. 54 mentioned above also contains information about the
purpose of reading, the skills to be developed and the techniques and procedures
that can be adopted to enrich the reading experience of students.  As part of the
Formative  Assessment  reading  projects  can  be  undertaken  in  a  systematic
manner.    You  are  requested  to  discuss  the  contents  of  this  circular  and  the
circular No. 54 under reference with your teachers and librarian and develop an
effective action plan for promoting the reading habit among students.

Schools are also encouraged to prepare lists of other good books and also
books  in regional languages of their choice.  The Board will also  send a list of
recommended books in Hindi in due course.  The overall aim is to promote good
reading habits in students for holistic development.

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