Thursday, 7 July 2011


CBSE has published 12 Manuals for Teachers on Formative Assessment for
Classes   IX  &  X  in  Hindi‐A,   Hindi‐B,  English‐Communicative,   English‐Language   &
Literature, Mathematics, Science and Social Science.     All the Manuals are available
at  the  book   stores   of  the  Regional   Offices  and the   Head  Office  of  the  Board.
Details of the titles and price are given below:

1. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Hindi A IX
2. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Hindi A X
3. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Hindi B IX
4. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Hindi B X
5. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ English IX
6. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ English X
7. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Mathematics IX
8. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Mathematics X
9. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Social Science IX
10. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Social Science X
11. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Science IX
12. Formative Assessment Teacher’s Manual ‐ Science X


    CBSE had already sent two circulars on Formative Assessment CIRCULAR NO.
36  dated   27.07.2010 and  CIRCULAR  NO.  58  dated   03.09.2010.   You  are
requested to read these circulars again and discuss their content with your

You are   advised   to  procure  the  Manuals  and provide    one  copy  to  each
subject teacher of classes IX and X.       Also please keep one complete set with you
for reference.     Kindly discuss all the issues raised in the Manuals in the subject
committees of your school to ensure clarity on the modalities and concepts with

regard to Formative Assessment.      It is essential that a comprehensive annual plan
of Formative Assessment is prepared at the beginning of the academic session.

From the feedback received from schools, it is seen that some schools are
treating    Formative     Tasks     more   as   tests    rather    than      tools    for   improving     the
teaching‐learning       process.       Some    guidelines     are   given   below    to   help   teachers
implement Formative Assessment in its true sprit:

1.     Formative Assessment should be used as         an opportunity for the teacher
to   consult parents at least twice             in each term, i.e.,        after each Formative
Assessment so that the strengths and weaknesses of every student can be
discussed and efforts are made to address the gaps in learning.              In such
meetings the student’s views should also be obtained so that it becomes a
fruitful dialogue between the student, the teacher and the parent.
2.    Every   Formative    Assessment    must    be   followed   by   diagnosis    of   the
difficulties faced by students.       It means that Formative Assessment must
be diagnostic in     nature so that    suitable   remedial   measures are   taken  to
ensure improvement.
3.    FA 1, FA 2, FA 3, and FA 4 should not be based on only one task.        Every such
assessment should make use of two or more tasks ensuring variety such as
role play, practical work, presentations, projects, worksheets etc.
4.   It is to be borne in mind that all the Formative Assessment tasks need not
be meant   for  assessment.    Some  may be used   purely for  teaching and
some for assessment.
5.    If many tasks are used for any one formative assessment, the best grades
obtained by a student may be taken for recording.           It means that grades
need not be given on the basis of identical tasks for all.       It will help us cater
to   multiple   intelligences   besides  enabling   every  student   to   tap  her/  his
6.    Formative   Assessment   should   help   us   to  make   the   teaching    learning
process enjoyable for all     students.   So it is essential that we follow a child‐
friendly approach to assessment.

Third Management Development Programmes on ‘Leading Schools’ at IIM-Kozhikode during April 21-23, 2011

As you  may be aware,  CBSE  has been  conducting training programmes for principals in
Strategic Management & Leadership’ in collaboration with the Indian Institutes of Management and
NUEPA, New Delhi. The overwhelming response from the Principals of affiliated schools has made the
Board explore other avenues for providing training to Heads of Institutions since the intake for these
courses is hugely oversubscribed.
The CBSE  is pleased  to  state that  the Indian  Institute of  Management, Kozhikode  has
confirmed the third programme on its campus as per the following details:-

Name of the Program: Third Management Development Programme for Leading Schools 


  April 21-23, 2011 (three days)

Program theme/Objectives:
1.   Schools of the future: the challenge of reshaping schools for the 21st century.
2.   Decoding the attributes of a school that leads.
3.   How to bring about teaching and learning and learning excellence.
4.   How to create a learning community based on shared meaning and shared values.
5.   How to create a blueprint for personal effectiveness. 

Regarding Project Assist of National Foundation for Communal Harmony

National Foundation for Communal Harmony is an autonomous organization under the Ministry
of  Home  Affairs,  Government  of  India.  It  was  set  up in  1992 with  the  main  objective  of  providing
assistance to the children rendered orphan or destitute during various communal disturbances. 

The organization offers physical and psychological rehabilitation of children who are the victims
of communal, caste, ethnic and terrorist violence. Such children are provided with care, education  and
training. It also undertakes activities for promoting communal harmony and national  integration which
include grant of scholarships, fellowships and studies. 

NFCH Vision
India free from communal
And all other forms of violence
Where all citizens
Especially children & youth
Live together in peace & harmony

NFCH Mission
Promoting communal Harmony,
Strengthening National Integration and
Fostering Unity in Diversity
Through collaborative social action,
awareness programs, reaching out to the
victims of violence especially children,
Encouraging interfaith dialogue for India’s
Shared Security, Peace & Prosperity

Project  Assist  is  the  Flagship scheme  of  the  Foundation  which  has  provision  of  providing
assistance  to  the  children  rendered orphan  or  destitute  in  various  communal,  caste,  ethnic  or  terrorist
violence. The financial assistance is provided to such children for their care, education and training

The  details  for  providing assistance  to children  (Eligibility criteria, Identification  of  eligible
children etc.) are available at under the link Project Assist of National  Foundation
of Communal Harmony and also in the Annexure-1 enclosed. 

CBSE new publications – reg

CBSE has implemented Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in
Schools since 2009. For its better implementation, CBSE has already published
Formative Assessment Manuals for the main subjects for Classes IX and X.  CBSE has
recently also developed Formative Assessment Manuals for Classes IX and X in the
following subjects:

1.   Foundation of Information Technology
2.   Home Science

These Formative Assessment Manuals are already available on CBSE website and will be available in print form very soon in CBSE stores.  Besides
these, as already informed earlier, CBSE has developed the textbooks of Informatics
Practices and      Engineering Graphics for Classes  XI and XII.  The textbooks of
Informatics Practices and Engineering Graphics for Class  XI are already available
on CBSE website and also available in print form in CBSE stores.  The textbook of
Engineering Graphics for Class XII is also available on CBSE website and of
Informatics Practices for Class  XII will be available very soon on CBSE website.  The
print form of these textbooks of Class  XII  will be made available in the CBSE stores
very soon.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class X students for Academic Session 2010‐2011

As you are aware, the Board has decided to issue uniform certificates to all the students appearing
in class X in March 2011 Examination irrespective of the fact whether they are assessed by the Board or by
the School in Summative Assessment‐II (SA‐II).

To ensure the reliability, validity and fairness of assessment, the Board is collecting marks/grades
assigned at school level through specially designed software.

Besides the collection of marks/grades, the Board is simultaneously doing a random collection and
verification of the ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ conducted at school level under Formative and
Summative assessments.

These ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ and the marks awarded will be verified by the subject
experts appointed and empanelled by the Board at the Regional level. The objective is to assess the
‘Practices of School Based Assessment’. The experts would submit their report on these ‘Evidence of
Assessments (EAs)’ vis‐a‐vis award of marks. Their report will help in verifying the school based
assessments as well as provide feedback to the Board about implementation of CCE scheme at grassroots

The schools which will be shortlisted by the Regional Office will be requested to send the
‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ for SA‐1, FA3 & FA4. This material (FA tasks and SA answer sheets) is
being collected initially in five subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Please
ensure that these ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ sent to the Board comprise of the performance of five
students taken from each of the three categories i.e. top, middle and bottom levels of achievements.
Thus, your school if selected, should be submitting fifteen Evidence of Assessments (EAs) (FA tasks and SA
answer sheets) for every assessment i.e. 15 for FA (FA3, FA4 taken together) and 15 for SA1. This is
applicable only to one subject which will be communicated to you by the Regional Office. (Refer to
Annexure I for selection of samples)


The school is required to send details about all the fifteen FA tasks in the subject as directed by
Regional Office which should include the break‐up of marks as well as the parameters for assessment. If
the nature of the Evidence of Assessments (EAs) is such that it cannot be posted or transported such as
oral testing, seminars, group discussion, model, chart etc. a brief write‐up as already prepared by the
teacher on the assignment may please be sent along with marks awarded. This should include the details
of the task assigned to students individually or in groups as well as the strategies adopted and the
parameters used for assessment. The schools should send only those tasks that have been taken into
account for arriving at the grades for FA3 and FA4. (Please refer to para 5 and 8 of Annexure II)


Question Paper used and its marking scheme in the subject should also be attached with SA
answer sheet irrespective of whether you have used the question paper sent by the Board or your own
question paper.

The Board would initiate similar exercise for the co‐scholastic areas shortly. You are requested to
keep the ‘Evidence of Assessments (EAs)’ for the Co‐scholastic areas also in safe custody.

Introduction of Japanese Language in class XI (Code No 192) from the academic year 2011-12

The  CBSE  introduced  Japanese  language  in  class  VI  in  the  academic  year  2006-07 and  afterwards
extended it in the next higher class in each subsequent year. The first batch of students will be passing out class X in
the year 2011.Therefore in pursuance of policy of expanding the choice of subjects for students, particularly in non-
conventional  spheres  of  knowledge  and  skills  that  have  bright  employment  prospects,  the  Board  has  decided  to
extend  ‘Japanese Language’ as an optional  elective  under academic subjects at senior secondary level from  April
2011. It can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects and also as an additional elective subject at +2
stage in combination with any of the subjects that are already available in the Scheme of Studies of the Board.  

The textbook  has been prepared and are available. Teacher-training programme is also proposed to be held
very shortly in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi. In case you plan to introduce Japanese language
in  classes  XI-XII  (Subject  Code  194)  from  April  2011,  you are  requested  to  apply immediately  for  online  subject
affiliation and deposit affiliation fee in the form of Bank Draft as per the details given in the e-affiliation section of
our website .          

The confirmation of submission of online application along with the fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in
favor  of The  Secretary,  CBSE  may  be  sent  to:  Deputy  Secretary,  (Affiliation),  Shiksha Kendra,  2,  Community
Centre,  Preet  Vihar,  Delhi-110092  with  a  copy  to Mr.  A  H  Ahmed,  Assistant  Education  Officer,  Shiksha
Sadan,17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi 110002.E Mail:

Promotion Policy for Class IX under the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education introduced examination reforms
and the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in its affiliated schools from
October, 2009 in Class IX.  The related information and details were made available to schools
through Circular No.39 dated. 20th September.2009, Circular No.40 dated 29th September,
2009 and Circular No.42 dated 12th October, 2009 as well as a number of other circulars issued

The School-based Assessment card includes reporting of students’ performance in scholastic as
well as given co-scholastic areas in terms of grades. In order to provide sufficient scope and
space for different abilities of different students, number of significant co-scholastic areas has
been included in the assessment scheme. It is hoped that the schools have provided essential
facilities as well as necessary learning experiences to help the students acquire these skills,
attitudes, values and abilities before assessment.

As far as overall assessment of a student for the purpose of promotion to next class is
concerned, the following points should be kept in mind and adhered to:

I.   General
(A) The assessment of students in terms of grades in scholastic as well as co-scholastic
areas is   to  be  done  as  per  the  directions  issued  by  the Board  through different
circulars issued from time to time.
(B)  The   year-end    subject    wise    grades    of    a     student   in   Class   IX     are   to  
be calculated on the basis   of performance   in all formative assessments and
summative Assessments in scholastic areas as well as grades obtained in co-scholastic
(C) In scholastic   areas, all   the five main subjects i.e. two languages, Mathematics,
Science and Social Science are to be considered at par for promotion purpose.

II.    Assigning weightage to Co-scholastic areas for Promotion purpose

(D) The  grades  in  co-scholastic areas may  be included in  awarding overall grade to
every student as per the following procedure:

        (i)   The grades obtained in different co-scholastic areas may be converted into grade
points by using the following conversion scale:

Life Skills  
A+ ---------------5
A ---------------4
B+ ---------------3
B ---------------2
C ----------------1

All other Co- scholastic  Areas

A  --------------2
B --------------1

(ii)    Total grade points earned by any student may be calculated by adding grade points
for all co-scholastic areas as per the above conversion scale.

(iii) A student who gets A+ in all the categories of co-scholastic areas included in the
report card will earn 42 grade points according to the above scale. {Life skill (15),
attitudes and values (15), co-curricular activities (6) and Health and physical
education (6)}.

(iv) Those students who get total grade points in the range 34-42, may benefit by getting
upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas.

(v)    Those students who get total grade points in the range 19-33, may benefit by getting
upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic areas.

(vi)  If a student gets less than 19 total grade points in co-scholastic areas, separate
remark may be made in the report card stating that participation and achievement in
co-scholastic areas needs improvement. However, this should not affect the student’s
promotion to higher class.

(vii)   A star may be put on every up-scaled grade to indicate that the final grade has been
arrived after including the achievement of the student in co-scholastic areas.              
A footnote in this regard may be given at appropriate place in the report card.

(viii)  The benefit of upscaling the grade in different subjects may start from the subject in
which a student obtains lowest grade followed by next higher grade and so on.

(ix)    Benefit   shall    be    given   to   the    students    who   win   I/II    positions/prizes    
in competitions   held   at    state   level   and/or   participation   in   competitions  
held   at national/international   level   organized    by   a   body    recognized by the
state/central Government /CBSE.   Any    competition organized   by   such  

agencies related to the co-Scholastic   areas included in the Board’s CCE Card may
be considered for giving this benefit.  Those    students   who qualify under this
provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two
subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid
grade point scheme.

III.    Promotion to Higher Class

(E) Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D or above in all the subjects
excluding 6th additional subject as per scheme of study for  the purpose of promotion to
next class.
(F) A   student  getting   E1   or    E2 grade in scholastic areas  in  one or more subjects will
have to  improve  his/her  performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying
Grade D in these subjects.
(G) If   a    student    fails   to obtain qualifying grade D in one or more subjects, even after
adding    grade   points   from   co-scholastic   areas and after availing one improvement
chance, he/she will be required to repeat the same class during next academic year.
(H) It is mandatory to appear in both Summative Assessments during the academic year.

IV. Improvement Chance

(I)  After summative assessment II in class IX, a student will get only one more chance for
improvement to obtain a qualifying grade D. This is also applicable to those students
who are not able to appear in summative assessment due to sickness.
(J) This chance may be provided preferably within  a  time of one month from the time of
declaration of final  result.  Some flexibility in time schedule for  conduct of
improvement examination may be kept in mind for convenience of all.


(K) Syllabus for improvement examination should be same as that of SA II. The school will
prepare its own question paper for improvement examination based on design of SA II.
Due care may be taken to ensure that the standard of this question paper is comparable
to question paper used for SA II.

All Heads of schools are advised to explain the above promotion policy for Class IX in
detail to the parents, teachers and students to create desired awareness and avoid
unnecessary inconvenience at later stage.

Separate promotion policy for Class-X will be notified by the Board shortly.